This is from the Intercessions from the morning prayer in the liturgy of the hours today.
I often make a point to take time to look at the natural world around me and to let its beauty and magesty awe me. The harder thing is to look at the people around me and be in awe. It is much easier look at the people around me, be jealous of some of them, feel superior to some of them, be disgusted by some of them, but above all find faults in all of them.
How do I contemplate God's Glory in the person that had just cut me off in traffic? How do I contemplate God's Glory in the homeless man on the street corner? How do I contemplate God's Glory in those that hate me?
My favorite podcast "Catholic Stuff You Should Know" is thankfully back after months of being on a break. This podcast is done by priests from Denver. In this week's episode they talk about why they had a long break, were discussing 1 Correnthians 13 and all that Love is. They made a point that we are called to be all things that Love is, not parts. I know I am good at some of the things Love is and need lots of work on others.
Lord, may we grow in love for you and for all that you created. May we show that Love to the least among us and cast away all selfish and prideful thoughts. It is only by your Grace that we grow in Love for those around us and Love them as You Love us.