Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Be a man

Just watched an EWTN broadcast of Father Larry Richards show about manhood. His message was that we should all say a prayer every day to invoke the Holy Ghost inside each and every baptized and confirmed Christian. That prayer should invite the Holy Ghost to set our lives on fire so that others will want to watch us burn. 

Control is something I find most difficult to let go of. You could say I am a “control enthusiast” as that rental car company commercial says.  “And you shall be as Gods” (Genesis 3:5). That one line haunts me every day. My fear and pride work as an internal sprinkler system trying to snuff out the fire of the Holy Ghost within me. 

Thankfully, God’s Love is ever new. It is a blessing indeed that God’s Love is not bitter or petty or moody. Just as these demons that want to control my life come from the original sin of Eve, so too the antidote comes from and the course is reversed through the Immaculata. 

Holy Mother, ever virgin and Mother of God. Be my protector and my warrior against the traps of the accuser. Pray for me that your spouse will inflame my heart and my life.  Plead for me that the Holy Ghost will burn away my heart of stone and that I may live every moment dying to myself in service to my neighbor. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Dearest Mother

I am a slave. I am a slave to sin. I am a slave to sins of the flesh. My bondage is so complete that the mere thought of not giving in to earthly desires causes pain which is most unbearable. 

How are these chains to be broken?  Having failed so many times, the fear of inadequacy is almost indistinguishable from the dread of the fire of the trials. 

Blessed Mother unblimimshed by sin, intercede on my behalf. Come to my aid. Immaculata, whose soul was pierced as foretold by Simeon, I am deserving of eternal banishment. 

Due to your humility and unwavering devotion to the will of the Father, I can be made clean by the blood of your Son. In your example I can learn to receive the Spirit and have all confidence in conquering these demons that ravage my soul. 

In you humanity has the clarity to see through the lies of the accuser. In you we have the proof of the promises of Christ. Satan only offers a mirror in which we see a deformation of what we are intended to be. You are a window, spotless and unblemished. By looking at you we can see the true image of our Salvation. 

Holy Virgin, be my sword in battle against Satan and his dominions. Our Lady, pray ask the Holy Ghost to be my armor and my light. Failure is only assured when I take my eyes off of Christ and his Cross. 

Saturday, September 1, 2018


One thing I personally have taken away from the crisis inflicting our Church is that I must change myself and from there I can be prepared to serve as a warrior for Christ. 

This journey will not be short and will not be easy. I began this journey in earnest a year and a half ago, roughly. The more I grow in my spiritual life the more I see the true nature of my sins.  My heart is firmly in Satan’s grasp and I am powerless to free myself. 

Holy Mary, Mother of God, through your Magnificent and by you powerful intercession please battle on my behalf to release me from Satan’s hold so that I may be free to give my life to your Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.