After taking some time off from my blog for various reasons, I am changing the focus of my blog and attempting to respond to what I feel is a calling from God to share my struggle to view everything from a Catholic perspective.
I will get more into my fall from being a practicing Catholic as we go along, but the defining moment for my return to being a practicing Catholic was when I realized that I could not consider myself to be Catholic while viewing world events and my relationships in non-Catholic way. Since that time, I have started attending Mass regularly again and have gone back to confession for the first time in many years.
That being said, I have still struggled with viewing the world from a Catholic perspective. The best I can define "a Catholic perspective" is viewing the world, issues of importance and how I interact with people in a way that reflects the Christ's call to love as he loved us.
It is this struggle that I feel that I am called to share on this blog with anyone who is led to these pages.