Thursday, October 2, 2014

Do I have to be happy?

Over the past few months I have been doing a great deal of struggling in the past few months in dealing with all the things in my life. One of the things that's has resulted from this is questioning in my mind about whether or not one can have the Love and Grace of God and have a bad disposition. 

To put it another way, can not may and not should but is it possible to live a truly Christian life and do so with a bad attitude?  I am reminded of the words of Saint Paul in Phillipians where he talks about if his jailers kill him he will be with God and if they free him he can go on preaching God's word in the world and either way is a win. How can I read that passage, take it into me and not be joyous?  

Let me be clear about one thing. I am not talking about being grumpy or having bad days every now and again.  I am talking about despising what Godis calling me to do. I mean can I truly give my life to God, do my best to let my will succumb to His and be mad about it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Should you be happy?

*** The painfully slow process of uncovering the child abuse that happened within the Catholic Church continues. The members of the church continue to try and protect the wrong people, at the expense of victims, their families and the American public. ***

The Archdiocese of Chicago has voluntarily released documents related to 36 Archdiocesan priests who have at least one substantiated allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor. These documents are in addition to those released in January on 30 other priests. This release, together with the January release, covers priests who have substantiated allegations of sexual misconduct with minors identified on the Archdiocese's website as of November 2014. Documents pertaining to two priests, former Rev. Daniel J. McCormack and Rev. Edward J. Maloney, are not included, due to ongoing processes that do not permit release.

Inquiries may be directed to the Office of the Protection of Children and Youth, Archdiocese of Chicago, PO Box 1979, Chicago, IL 60690.