Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Note to self

Luke 7:46 - "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' but not do what command?"

I get upset with myself when my humanity raises its ugly head. Even while my actions are mostly other-centered, my thoughts and prayers are self-centered to an even greater degree.  My mind, heart and soul are in a constant struggle between my need to emotionally and spiritually work through those burdens God has sought fit to bless me with in prayer and the guilt of not praying for others almost at all.  This struggle plays itself out by me not praying.

As Luke's Gospel shows, should focus doing as God commands and simply focus on my relationship with Him and allow Him to guide my prayer where he knows I need it most. By focusing on what my prayer life is not, I am actually denying God's greatness and showing no faith that He will lead me where I need to go to better do as he commands.

"If you want to be happy, really really happy, use your talents to serve others." - Eduardo Verasteg

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