Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lets try again

I have been posting on this space for 34 months.  First it was a politically themed blog, which caused blood pressure issues.  Just two (2) months into that concept I was moved to make it about being Catholic, about my journey to discovering Catholicism as an adult.  It has been an amazing and wonderful journey -- as I told a Protestant acquaintance a few weeks ago, the Catholic Church I knew as a child is nothing like the one I am discovering as an adult.  Sadly I have not found the inspiration or opportunity to share that journey here.

There were problems with my concept from the beginning.  I hope to overcome those by being more myself on here and by being more vulnerable on these pages.  Despite the fact that I believe that the Holy Spirit called me to blog, I twisted that inspiration by thinking I had to be something I simply am not.  I don't know if it is sad or exceptional that I am still having a-ha moments about who I am and what I need to be at 40.  I don't know, maybe it is routine, but I tend to think there is no middle ground here, I am either an exceptionally blessed person by continuing to have these self realizations into middle-age or I it is a pitiful thing that I didn't "grow up" earlier in life.  I have no idea which, I can only try to deal with it.

So, moving forward I am not going to advertise about this blog.  If people find it, they find it. If no one finds it, it will be the digital rantings of what I assume will become a mad man one day.  I don't know what the topics will be.  I don't know if they will be long or short -- I used to have this idea that a post had to be long, I am getting past that.  There may be five (5) one day and then four (4) days without one.  Posts may have a theme or they may be ramblings. I will take the time I have to post what it on my mind.  If you stumble across it, I hope you find it helpful.  But since I am paying for the name, I am going to put something on here.  Something that I hope will help me grow as a Catholic and will help someone else grow as a Catholic. 

"If you want to be happy, really really happy, use your talents to serve others." - Eduardo Verastegui

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