Sunday, March 10, 2013

Same ol' sinner the same ol' sin - Lenten version

This is a line from a Third Day song (forgive me, but I am in a hurry and can't recall which of their many great songs it is from) that speaks to me about me.  Since I have come back to the Church, and even more-so while I was away, it seems that my confessional visits are broken records.  What I find odd is that even the more I study and grow in my understanding with God, it seems that my sin was the same.  Then came Lent. 

In listening to a podcast, and I sadly cannot remember which one, I got the idea of giving up sin for Lent.  It might sound odd, it certainly seemed odd to me while I considered it, giving up something or Lent that I am supposed to be giving up anyway.  However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it is, at least for me at this time the perfect Lenten sacrifice.  After all, what is Lent about other than being more mindful of what takes us away from God?  What takes us away from God more than our mortal sin?  If there is something that is routinely keeping you away from the Eucharist, that is God in the flesh, what better way to get closer to God than not doing those thing? 

It is odd to me that what I cannot do for 325 days of they year I can do for 40 days in Lent - be it dieting, giving up diet Coke or whatever the change in my life that Lent seems to make possible.  It seems even more so with mortal sin.  Seems that the knowledge of the loss of Heaven would be more of a deterrent than Lent, but not in my weird mind.  But whatever it takes and so far I have been successful on this part of my Lenten vow.  And now, off to Mass . . .

"If you want to be happy, really really happy, use your talents to serve others." - Eduardo Verastegui

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