Monday, September 14, 2009


I almost vomited after watching this piece of "journalism" from CNN.

Jim Spellman is reporting from the 9/12 protests. Clips are shown of ten (10) people about why they were at the rally there and show dozens of signs. Then he goes on and says, "there's some heaviness out there with this." Jim goes on to say that the message from the podiums is different from the crowd, that the crowd is saying, "much darker things." When prompted to explain what he means by "darker things" Jim says, "its sort of the death panels thing taken to several degrees past that, where the president is going to set up these death camps and they are going to do forced sterilization," and "the government is taking over the internet to stifle speech and that there are going to be forced vaccinations." He goes on to say that "these are things we heard over and over and over and over again."

If he heard it over and over and over and over again, why was there no tape of it played during that report? If such "misinformation" is so prevalent, whey didn't they expose the people who were saying such things. Why? Because it was all made up. It was a hit-piece taken directly from the playbook of the Democratic leadership. It was a hit-piece aimed at the American people.

Why must Obamaist try to demonize the American people? Why must Obamaist talk down to and marginalize the people that disagree with them? As an attorney, I know that my job it so convince the finder of fact that my client is right. I cannot go into the courtroom and bully the other side. I cannot belittle the opposing party to win the day.

Lets get real, if their side is so much better, as they claim, it doesn't seem that it would be hard to convince us ignorant non-Obamists of how great their path is. I mean, if we are nothing but ignorant rubes that are easily fooled, why can't the Obamists fool us into buying into their plans. I have a sister who is 6-years younger than me. I remember when I was 12 and she was 6 it was pretty simple to fool her into doing almost anything I wanted her to do. If the Obamaist are such an intellectually superior class, why do they result to dogging us out and trick us into seeing “the light”?

I'll tell you why, it is because they are the ones that are ignorant. They are the ones that are stupid. They are the ones that don't realize they are the ones being duped and fooled into thinking that the government is the answer to all of their problems. The governmental demigods have exhausted that trick and they don't know what to do with the rest of us. They don't know how to convince us of something that is not true. They saw in Obama someone who could maybe be their used car salesman, their traveling evangelists, their snake oil salesman. They hoped that he would be able to smooth talk us into letting down our guard just long enough for them to do their dastardly deeds. But alas, my fellow Americans have proven once again why we are the greatest nation in human history. The resourcefulness and creativity that it took to organize that number of people should surprise no one. That the federal government, its bureaucrats and most of its elected officials were surprised should only reinforce that it is time to throw the bums out and elect good people of both parties that respect the Constitution and appreciate American citizens!!!

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