Thursday, July 22, 2010

Improvements and changes

Big things are happening here at Growing Catholic.  Tonight I have registered the domain name  I decided to do this today on my 2-hour ride to court this morning after listening to The Catholics Next Door and hearing Greg interview Gary E. Zimak with Following the Truth Ministries.  He seemed to be 6-8 years ago where I am today.  I feel the Holy Spirit was really talking to me during Greg's broadcast about how different people are using "new media" (I guess the internet is still considered "new media"?) to evangalize. 

I got to thinking about why I started this blog and why I changed the focus from what was initially going to be about politics AND religion to my journey back to the Catholic Church.  Mostly, listening reaffirmed that this blog isn't about me, it is about the Holy Spirit using me and whatever talents I may have been given to reach someone or someones (don't think that is a word, but whatever) who needs it.  Just like Greg's interview of Gary today reached me in a way I doubt either of them knew, I hope maybe, if it be God's Will that I can reach one or more persons who are also attempting to grow in their Catholic faith. 

I haven't committed myself to this blog like I should in the past.  But today I hope to be able to start a new commitment to blogging regularly.  I go through time where I cannot bring myself to write anything, mostly out of the sin of pride I have found.  Then there are times that I have multiple things I want to write about and not enough time to write about them all.  I had a striking dream last night about reoccurring sin that I want to delve into.  I still cannot get my mind around the second reading from last Sunday and I want to think through it out-loud here.  I want to write a long detailed spiritually-biographical post that I can link to under the "About Me" section, so hopefully as new people come to my blog they will know where I started and can read the posts and see where I have come in my faith.  I have started reading Upon This Rock by Steven Ray and I am very excited about what I have learned.  I have undertaken trying to do a general confession and hope that sharing my struggles with that will ease them and allow me to progress.  I am overwhelmed about how little I know and understand about my Catholic faith and how much I have to learn. 

If you have stumbled upon my little corner of the Catholic blogosphere, I hope you enjoy reading my humble works, can commiserate with me as sinner and maybe, with the Grace of God you will learn something or grow with me in our Catholic faith.

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