Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Sometimes it seems that the idea that God could love us but allow us pride is a bigger stumbling block to the deepening of my faith than pride itself. God gives us as Hope the burning desire to know and love Him. Yet He simultaneously gives us pride, acting as a like-charged force repelling the Hope. 

Pride tells us that we know better. Pride says God should meet me where I am (which He does) AND on my own terms.

Thankfully God has given us examples to show us how to get around this problem. Namely, he has given us His mother, the Immaculate Conception. It is turning our eyes toward our Blessed Mother that we see Jesus. She serves as a lighthouse in the fog of our lives and as a window through which we see our Redeemer. 

Mary’s fiat is the antidote to the poison of pride. By joining her in her yes to God, we too can walk the narrow path that leads to salvation.  But God offers us the same Grace as he gave that young virgin, we only need to say yes. 

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